Category: #Software and Hardware

Turn your iPhone into a Storage Server – Discover

Download Free from iTunes. I will be reviewing some iPhone Applications for the AppStore making your […]

Jailbreak iPhone to 2.2 on Windows

There are many guides to help you upgrade your iPhone 2G and 3G phones. So instead of creating another guide, i'm only showing you the steps you need.

Source Control – AnkhSVN

At work, we started using source control a year ago and after several packages we chose […]

Internet Explorer 8 Features: Tabs

So i just installed the beta version of Internet Explorer 8 and I really like it! […]

iPhone 3G and Facebook 2.0

During Last week, Facebook previewed the next version of its popular iPhone Application, Facebook 2.0, which launched during […]

iPhone Flash

One of the many reasons that a user buys an iPhone surely isn’t because of the […]

Total Number of Lines of Code (VS Add-Ins)

Ever wonder how many lines of code did you write in your application/solution in visual studio […]

Web Application Projects in Visual Studio 2005

 The Web Application Projects add-in provides a Visual Studio 2005 Web project model option that works […]

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