I Love Slow Internet

NO I DON’T! By checking www.speedtest.net, I found that from the promised 12 Mbps internet connection, I was only getting 1.2Mbps. What should I do next?

First check with your ISP

They “found out” that I was only getting 8Mbps, Oh My, and in a matter of 2 mins, they “upgraded” me “again” to 12Mbps, that I payed for! So if I hadn’t contacted them, I would be getting much lower speeds!! At least one thing was solved. But it still wasn’t going over the 1.2Mbps mark, and sometimes it was going even lower.

Next up, the Router

I bought a Belkin Modem Router, model number: F5D8635-4v1, never had problems, at least which I noticed. When I connected the modem given by my ISP, and re-tested my connection speed, I got a full 11.3 Mbps.. so my ISP was finally giving the full speed I paid for. Thus I found my problem.. it was that little bastard sitting next to me on my desk!! I checked all my router settings but nada, everything seemed fine. To make things worse, I tested the wireless connection… and to my surprise it was getting the full 11.3 Mbps whilst the wired connection was getting a mere 1Mbps!

Hmm the Solution!

After checking every setting, I found that the problem was the firmware. The router had firmware version 1.00.17 installed. I searched on the net and found that the current firmware was 1.00.23 (from here). I was like “please please make this work”! Downloaded the firmware and installed it!!!


Thumbs Up.. FINALLY I had my full Internet connection speed that I was paying for!! Yihaaa! Let’s start the torrents again 😉


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