Category: #Programming

URLRewriter Submit Button Error | Intelligencia

Today I was using Intelligencia URLRewriter to use Search Engine Friendly URL’s to improve my site’s […]

SQL Server 2005 | Add days, months and years to GetDate()

To get the current date in Sql Server queries and stored procedures, you use the GetDate() […]

SQL Server | Convert Varchar to UniqueIdentifier

There are 2 ways to Convert a string to a UniqueIdentifier (GUID) in SQL Server: SELECT CAST(‘449141d9-86c9-449d-be2c-1f171b4f4567’ as UNIQUEIDENTIFIER) SELECT CONVERT(UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, […]

Upload JSP Sites on MochaHost | Hosting

This weekend we’ve been trying to choose a hosting for our JSP site which we’ve been […]

SQL Server | Remove Special Characters

I needed to remove all the special characters from a field in a particular table in […]

CMS | Sitefinity Not Working on Windows 7 64-Bit

To solve this problem, you need to access IIS 7 Manager and make sure that the: Application Pool […]

SQL Server 2005 | Database won’t go Offline

I needed to copy a database from SQL Server 2005. To copy it, you need to […]

Foxpro | Import table to Excel Error

Tried to import a foxpro table to an excel file but the following errors loaded…

SQL Server 2005 | “Product level is insufficient”

The following error kept popping up when trying to import data from a flat file source […]

Visual Studio | No source code available for the current location

Whilst trying to debug a Stored Procedure, the following error prompted: There is no source code […]