Internet Explorer 7 (install)

Internet Explorer 7

After installing the new windows media player 11 (check here for more info), i had to install the new internet explorer 7. But like wmp11 before installing, there is a Windows Genuine Advantage WGA validation check for whether genuine Windows is installed and you have to validate your copy of windows to be able to continue. If for any reason you didn’t pass your genuine Windows test, you can still install internet explorer 7 on your machine by using the following method:

1. Download a copy of Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP Sp2 from here (x86 32-bit) or here (x64 64-bit)

2.  Download the crack for IE7 installer (from here) containing two dll files: IECustom.dll & Normaliz.dll. This is the same patched version of IECustom.dll which is used to install IE7 RC1, and which can still be used to install IE7 Gold edition to bypass any WGA validation.

3. Extract the zip file with cracks.

4. Extract the setup file of IE7 by using WinRAR extraction tool.

5.  Copy the patched iecustom.dll to the Update folder of the extracted IE7 setup file. Overwrite any existing files.

6. Run update.exe from the Update folder to start the IE7 installation setup. (Do not run iesetup.exe).

7. At the end of the successful IE7 installation process, you will be asked to restart Windows, DO NOT RESTART Windows now! Click on the box ‘Do not restart now’ and then select the ‘Finish’ button.

8. Run the update XmlLiteSetup.exe (Hotfix for Windows XP KB915865) to install or actualize the file xmllite.dll, otherwise there may be problems with menubars such as some items are missing or incomplete, or tabs is not working or not appearing.

9. Run the update NlsDl.exe (Microsoft National Language Support Downlevel APIs).

10. Run the update IdnDl.exe (Microsoft Internationalized Domain Names Mitigation APIs). This update will also install the normaliz.dll which is absolutely needed for Windows system restart, thus eliminating the need to manually copy the normaliz.dll (so you can ignore normaliz.dll contained in the crack zip file above).

11. Restart the Windows.

Now you can begin surfing the web using your new browser, Internet Explorer 7. Happy browsing.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational and educational purpose only. Readers should contact Microsoft if their licensed or OEM software cannot be validated or purchase genuine software.

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