MVC ActionLink not working after submit
These past days, I was having a problem with links for an iPad web app. The […]
Delete Operation in MVC
This week I just started some MVC tutorials which I’m really liking. And after some tutorials I […]
CSS Tricks Quickie – Multiple Border Styles and Radius
Did you know that you can set multiple border styles for the sides of divs and […]
Format Date in SQL Server
It’s very common to show the current date (i.e., month, day, and year) in different formats. […]
Quickie – Concatenate Rows as a String
Today I needed to concatenate a field from multiple rows in SQL Server to get a […]
Problem with Database Restore
Last week, I restored a database from backup and was having the following error when trying […]
Find Database Creation Date | Quickie
To find the database creation dates, you need to insert the following query in SQL Server […]
Order BY Not Working in SQL Server Functions | Quickie
Ever created a function and needed to include the Order By clause. It would result in […]
For Loop with Negative Step | Quickie
Cannot believe that I’m writing some helpful examples using VB.Net, but that is the language that […]
Add AutoNumber to GridView showing the RowNumber | Quickie
The code below will add a column showing an incremental number near each row, which ultimately […]